

How to build your plant collection

One of my hobbies is growing ornamental plants. I cannot say how or where my love for these plants started but I do think I got some of it from my Dad. Saying I love ornamental plants is not to say I am living in an indoor jungle or I think of myself as a “plant parent” but I have over the past few months acquired a few plants that make me smile and are a point of interesting discussion. There should be about 20 different species in my collection at the time of this writing. 

I get asked quite a bit where I get my plants from, so do read on to learn about the different ways in which I have, and you too can build your plant collection. I will start with the ways of acquiring plants without spending money, as I believe that a hobby should be something that brings you joy without adding stress, financial or otherwise. 

1 – Receive Gifts: Two or three of my plants were gifts from friends. This is a memorable gift and one that keeps on giving. A well-cared-for plant can be enjoyed for a number of years and its offspring can be shared innumerable times, bringing joy to countless others.   

 2 – Ask from family and friends: a number of ornamental plants can be propagated quite simply by way of leaves or stem cuttings. A leaf or two, or a cutting acquired from a friend’s established collection can help you start your own little garden. A quarter of the plants I have were acquired this way.
3 – Pluck from existing plants: This I say with a bit of caution given that plucking without permission could be viewed as stealing if the plants are in a controlled environment. But a wildly growing plant with some offshoots can provide a good starting point. I got a few plants this way.

4 – Buy: There are a number of places from which one can purchase ornamental plants – roadside stalls, shops in malls, online shops. Your choice depends on your pocket. I find the roadside stalls to be the cheaper option, although the mall or online shops are more likely to have fancier and more exotic plants, with a higher price to match. Less than half my plants are store-bought, and mainly from the roadside stalls.

5 – Propagate: As your plants grow, you can take leaves, cuttings, or plantlets and start new plants to spread in other areas of your home or office, or spread some plant love through gifts to other people.

Well, there you have the five ways in which I have grown my plant collection to date. Do let me know which you have employed before or are planning to employ, and happy acquiring.