

Fearless 2019: The Five Capital Analysis

I spent the greater part of last week in an environment(s) that stretched my mind and heart and will stretch my actions for a long time to come. The Fearless Summit is something that I probably would never have attended had it not been a requirement for the Harvest Institute. However, now that I have been to one, I am quite sure I will attend many others in the years to come. 

There was something profound to learn from each individual speaker and session, it would take ages to talk about every single one. But by way of an overall evaluation, here’s a sneak peek of what I picked up last week.

Spiritually: I definitely made a reconnection with God that I felt had been lacking for some time. The atmosphere of worship was amazing and all the speakers kept pointing us back to God, to prayer, to fellowship, to a deeper walk, to the Bible. It was reaffirmed for me that the Church is the hope of the world, and since God is on our side we should boldly step into those spheres we usually shy away from, and carry the light within to those very places of darkness we shun.

Relationally: I got to spend quality time with amazing people. Old friendships were cemented by the shared experience of travel and conference. My hosts were old friends and it made the stay so much better having a good landing place, not having to worry about meals and not having to be on my “best behaviour”…HAHA. New friendships were forged that will definitely last a long time. 

Physically: I got much needed time away from the routine and although the days were full, I got to rest. I did not check emails and the high charges for roaming ensured that I was hardly online so I could get away from the distraction of social media and concentrate on the moment. Since I lived in the estate just adjacent to the venue, I got in some physical exercise by walking to and fro, and cimbing two flights of stairs to the apartment.

Financially: I definitely spent money but it was within budget. I saw many attractive things but to control my spending I listed down whatever caught my fancy (and its cost) and then reviewed the list later to see whether it fit in budget and I still wanted it. I even had money left over to give! That’s definitely a first while traveling. I picked up on some business ideas that I am going to follow through…watch this space!!

Intellectually: My mind was renewed on so many levels. Being in an environment as excellent as Mavuno Hill City does stuff to the mind. New ideas, new approaches to old challenges, new options….all of these were flooding into my mind from the minute I set my foot in the place and have continued to bombard me since.

Fearless Summit 2019 has not left me the same and I believe these changes it has wrought in me will carry on to influence every person I meet, every place I go and every situation I face.

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