

Am I A Creative? #WinterABC2021 #Day1

This is a word that has been going around a lot lately.

Creative. With a Capital “C”. 

Not the adjective definition of relating to or involving the use of the imagination or original ideas to create something. 

But an actual noun. A person who makes a job of creating stuff.

Whenever I hear the word used in that sense, the mental picture I get is of this amazing person who is changing the world through brilliant innovative solutions to humanity’s oldest problems. And the solutions are usually breathtakingly beautiful, extremely simple and perfectly functional. 

Said person is also a radical go-getter, afraid of nothing and no-one, content to forego comfort and luxury in pursuit of the joy of creating, unable to be tied down by the security of such mundane things as a regular job. And this person is not only raking in loads of cash but also at perfect peace with themselves as they are doing that for which they were created.

Then I look at me.

Me with my bachelor’s degree in a profession as mainstream as they come, working a 9 to 5 job, Monday to Friday. Me with a well set-up professional profile on LinkedIn and academic publications to my name. 

I do have my occasional dabblings in music, fine art and writing (I have published a book and have a rather inactive blog) but does that qualify me as a Creative? My List on Netflix is full of reality competitions in art, music, creativity generally, and my YouTube subscriptions are to organisational, interior decorating and DIY craft channels but does that earn me the name?

Maybe I am a Creative in disguise or denial, still boxed in by societal expectations and comfortable in the "security" of the 9-5? Maybe I am like that hero in the movies living the ordinary life until some traveling mage lets them know they are the Hope that their world has been waiting for? 

Am I A Creative?


PS: I have not blogged in over a year and hope to use this #WinterABC2021 to revive this site :)


  1. Beautiful piece. My opinion, maybe this creative thing needs to br applied to all spheres of life. You can be creative at your 9-5, you can be creative on how unconventionally you approach tasks.

    I think we all creative in one way or another. Maybe not getting money from our ideas but definitely creative.

    1. Thank you Valerie. Indeed there's room for creativity all around us

  2. Probably boxed in by societal expectations because this checks all the boxes. And I know the 9-5 can go beautifully with your creative outlet. I'm sure the challenge is a good way to get consistency and traffic. Good luck.

    1. I am working on finding the balance. Thank you

  3. Good read.

    Welcome back to blogging šŸ‘šŸ‘šŸ‘
